Join the #1 up-and-coming weather community

Weather information & alerts, events, giveaways, and so much more. We’re more than just a global community, we’re XWD.

Why We Stand Out

What we offer in our Discord

Here’s what you can expect to find in our server, anything from weather alerts to giveaways, we’ve gotcha covered. 😎

Weather Information

With 24/7 weather chats, you’ll always be up to date on what’s happening in the weather world at any time.

Weather Alerts

We offer a whole category dedicated to weather alerts, so you’ll see every warning, right as it comes in.

Coverage Modes

When a significant weather event occurs, like a derecho or hurricane, we prioritize coverage on it.

Express Your Interests

With multiple sub-community channels, QOTD, and more, we’ll be sure there’s something for you.

Server Events

With fun server events, like movie & game nights with other members, we’ll sure there’s something fun for everyone.

Free Giveaways

We even offer free giveaways too! To be notified, just grab the Giveaway Ping role when you join.


Server Messages Sent

Our Discord server has had over 1 million messages sent in less than a year, that’s some serious growth!


Server Members

We have over 5,500 members who trust us for weather on Discord, why don’t you join them?


Information Accuracy

We keep misinformation out in our Discord, so everyone has a safe and accurate environment to chat in.

Weather Resources

Check out our Weather Resources page

From the latest severe weather outlooks to what the tropics are looking like, whatever the weather, we’ve got you covered.

Our Staff

Powered by an Exceptional Staff Team

Our Staff Team makes sure that every message sent isn’t harmful, while also keeping the server updated with new events & info daily.

All messages are automatically scanned for harmful content using our AutoModeration system.


We love our members 💜

We love our members, it’s what makes XWD one of the best weather communities. Here’s what real members have to say about us.

The Xtreme Weather Discord is so nice and is full of cool and awesome people! If you need someone to talk to when you’re bored, most of the time there is always someone in our off-topic chat. I definitely recommend joining if you’re looking to chat about weather.


XWD Staff

I’ve been in the server for as long as it’s existed. I highly recommend joining for the best 24/7 weather coverage. There are also other chats such as music, sports, aviation, and more! Members in the server are also very respectful to each other.


Server Member

I think that the server is one of the best I’ve seen actually, the people are really nice and super funny. There are so many channels, and a server like this is a great way for people to connect with their love for weather!


Server Member

I have always been into weather ever since I could remember, and I never thought that so many people were into it until I joined this server. The people are amazing, and I am glad to be in the server.


Server Member

The Best Part

All of this, all free

That’s right, everything the Xtreme Weather Discord offers is completely free. All you have to do is join the server, easy right?

Xtreme Weather Discord

The #1 up-and-coming weather community, all for free.

Weather Information & Alerts

Exclusive Coverage Modes

Server Events

So much more!

Not convinced? You can leave our server in 2 clicks, if it isn’t for you. Join the server, and if you don’t like it, we’ll do everything we can to make it right. 🙂

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Read what’s new in the weather world. Plus, learn what’s new with the Xtreme Weather Discord.

Like weather? Us too.

What are you waiting for? Come join over 5,000 members and get chatting about weather, outdoor sirens, aviation, and so much more!